Day: February 27, 2023


What is a plant?

Plants are living things that exhibit all traits of MRSGREN. they reproduce, breathe air, and hydrate and respirate with oxygen.


structure of plants:

Plant Parts –

The roots absorb water from the soil and keep the plant in the ground. The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves collect energy from the Sun and make food for the plant, using an amazing process called photosynthesis.


why do plants have roots?

roots have two functions.

they anchor the plant into the ground

2. they absorb water

what do the different parts of plants do?

Stems and trunks support the plants. They have tubes called xylen that move water from the plant’s roots to the leaves. They also have different tubes called phloem that transport glucose from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

Free Vector | Plant cell with cell membrane

plant cells –

definition of cell: the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which is typically microscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane.

Nucleus: the most important part of an object or in this case, the plant. the nucleus also contains the genetic material also known as dna.

Cytoplasm: the material in a living cell. it is kinda like a jelly filling, and it’s where chemical reactions take place.
Cell membrane: the cell membrane is the skin that only allows water to soak through. It’s kind of like a tissue or a paper bag.
Mitochondria: it makes all the energy for the cell.
cell wall: It is obviously the wall of the cell, and it is hard and protects the cell from anything that could harm it. it is the part of the cell that makes sure the cell keeps its shape.
Vacuole: the vacuole is a big water bubble in the middle of the cell. it keeps the plant hydrated, and this is where the water goes when you water the plant.
Chloroplast: it contains a green thing called chlorophyll that turns sunlight into sugar
Animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts.
The top layer is called the cuticle, and this part protects the leaf.
The top and bottom skin of the leaf is called the epidermis.
The palisade cells contain chloroplasts which contain a chemical called chlorophyll.
The stomata are the holes under the leaf, this is where CO2 enters and O2 leaves the leaf.
Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make their own food
Photosynthesis requires sunlight, chlorophyll, water and carbon dioxide gas.
Chlorophyll is the substance in all green plants that helps the plant turn sunlight into energy


What is pollination?

The act of transferring pollen to a flower to encourage fertilisation. Bees most commonly do this.

How does pollination happen?

Pollination is a very important part of plant reproduction. Pollen from a flower rubs or drops onto a pollinator. This for example, may be a bee, butterfly or wasp.  The bee (or anything holding the pollen) then take this pollen to another flower, where the pollen sticks to the stigma. After that, the flowers hold seeds and other stuff.

find a pollination diagram

How does the tui pollinate a flower?

Tui feeds on nectar at the bottom of the flower.

All tuis get pollen on their head when it eats the nectar.

The pollen on its head is transferred to different flowers when the tui eats more nectar.


what is germination?

germination is the process of flower/plant seeds evolving into newer plants.

Diagram of a flower and its parts:

diagram of a seed:

summary of what occurs in germination:

Germination is the act of a seed growing and evolving into a plant, using its surroundings and atmosphere to thrive. Germination cannot occur if the seed does not have a steady amount of water, sun, and oxygen. If the seed does not have oxygen, it cannot respirate (breathe).